Do we always need to know “What’s Hot”?

If a person only ever ate food with jalapeno or ghost peppers, would anything stand out? It would all be hot to the taste and touch, but isn’t it true that “variety is the spice of life” as the saying goes? Does everything need to be hot?   In today’s tech/social hungry world, people are…

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A reservation for 2. . . and 1 smartphone

So you’re at a restaurant with someone that you really enjoy spending time with. You’ve both had a long week and so you’ve made plans to go out and share a meal together. Once you’ve both arrived at the restaurant, your hostess brings you to your table to seat you, and then hands you your…

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A NEW series coming to

About 2 years ago, March 2010, I came up with the idea of a new way for people to share more about themselves on Twitter, called Twitterviews. It would consist of a 1hr interview, conducted totally on Twitter. It would allow them to share things about themselves such as where they grew up, their interests,…

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A burger at Yum Kitchen and Bakery?

A few weeks ago I went out for dinner to get some good, high quality food for take-out. No “golden arches” or making a “run across the border” for me. I was willing to wait for my food to be prepared by hand and not have my order be ready in 2 minutes or less. …

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