On Twitter, is “Follow Friday” or #FF a good thing?

      For over 3 years for me, every Friday on my Twitter Feed, I’ve seen Tweets from people that have the #FF hashtag included in them, often then proceeded by a long list of Twitter handles. They were doing a good thing in showing appreciation for the people that have followed them, and giving a digital “shout out” to all of those people or businesses, but they weren’t giving any reason for it. Just a “Follow these people because I said to” mentality. Really though, if a person is going to say “Hey, you should follow this person and or that person”, provide a reason. Like “These people have inspired me” or “These people make me laugh”.  Even better, how about just doing a solo #FF for just one person, and then use the rest of the 140 characters in a Tweet to explain why people should follow that person or Twitter handle. What makes them great, good, special, inspiring, fabulous and the like. That person will be touched by your thoughtful reasons and it shows you as being a more authentic person and not just being a “follower of crowds”.


#FF or “Follow Friday” on Twitter does not seem to be done as much as it had been in the past.  It’s a great idea, but is Friday the only day we should think about someone that we appreciate? Is Friday the only day we should Tweet about someone that effected us in a small or large way? I don’t think so, and I don’t think you do either. So the next time someone that you’re connected to on Twitter does something great or awesome and you want them to be recognized for it, don’t wait until Friday to praise them. Tell them right away in a Tweet. Or better yet, tell them on the phone or in person. Being social is connecting with people, online, and face-to-face.


One comment Add yours
  1. Totally agree, Joel! When I first joined Twitter a couple years ago, it seemed like more people did just name one or two people and then say why you should follow them. Being new on the network, it was a great way for me to find some really cool people to follow. These days, I don’t even bother looking at those long lists. But, I will say that when I do see a #FF about one person, I do still at least go check out their stream and see if they’re a good fit for the content I’m looking for.

    Thanks for the great insight!

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