Social Media: It’s connections, not just numbers

How many followers do you have? How many “Likes” does your Facebook page have? How many pageviews does your blog get?


It seems like people are putting more and more emphasis on what your “numbers” are then what the real purpose of Social Media is, making connections with people.  These just aren’t any people. These are people that either already know you or your brand, or want to know more.  These people aren’t being forced to follow or “Like” you, unless it’s a part of some contest or coupon deal.  So why is it that if Company A has 10,000 “Likes” and Company B has 1,000 “Likes” that many people think, Company A must be the better company.  Maybe Company B has better quality of products or services. Maybe it has better customer service and/or support.  Maybe it gets more work done with less employees.


While it’s important to build up a good following on Social Media, you want and need your followers to really be loyalists to your brand.  So if you have less followers than another company that does similar work, it doesn’t mean your company is a lesser company.  It may just mean that they were earlier to joining Social Media or that a Social Media campaign they had lured a lot of people to follow them. It doesn’t mean though that their customers are more loyal or that their company is better.  You want real and genunine connections, not just big numbers of followers.


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