Jennifer Iwanicki of Curation Station & Hello Viking

Greetings everyone! Today’s #MNMOtv guest today is @jiwanicki (Jennifer Iwanicki) of the @curationstation. Lets get to know her!

Jennifer:    Hello Everyone! Glad to be here.

Share a little bit about your early years. Where did you grew up, attend school and what job did you want as an adult?

Jennifer:    I’m from Massachusetts. (Go Pats! @patriots) I thought I would be a lawyer when I grew up.

But I even changed that and played music in a rock band for a while before entering a career in management.

You’ll get the hang of it. So what kinds of companies did you first work for? When did you get the entrepreneur bug?

Jennifer:    I began managing a clothing company.Where I began writing code as a developer. I had a side business: Hullabaloo.

Hullabaloo created multimedia events in the city of Boston.

Great name! re: Hullaboloo – What got you to move to MN from the East Coast?

Jennifer:    The cold :)

Seriously, there was an opportunity for my family here, and we moved for that.

When I got here, I was incredibly impressed with the marketing community and went to my first MIMA event @mimatweet

When did you start with @HelloViking, and how did the idea of @CurationStation come to you?

Jennifer:    Ahh, yes! HV was started in 2007

My partner @tbrunelle and I started the company after winning a project with PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Curation Station was birthed out of Hello Viking. Through working with marketers, we noticed a need.

So we spent some time doing alpha & beta testing with some key groups and developed Curation Station based on the feedback.

The need we identified was in how to put digital content to work and be more efficient in doing so

What kind of response have your gotten with @curationstation?

Jennifer:    The response for content curation has been huge. We are fulfilling the needs of agencies, CMO’s, etc

We are doing this through engagement, content management, gained efficiencies, etc.

The tool is quite flexible and powerful. We continue to be excited by the possibilities for use.

What did you think when @MNMOmag approached you about being included in their “the Revolutionaries” magazine section?

Jennifer:    So many emotions! Shock, excitement, flattery. The list goes on. And I wondered what it meant, right?

I mean, it’s an honor and someone I have aspired to- to think outside of the box and try new things.

So to be recognized for that within the group of Minnesotans who were also recognized is thrilling.

But there are so many people who have helped and guided me to this place. And I thank them all.

Congrats! So what’s on the radar for you now? More new Biz ideas? Got any professional goals you’re striving to achieve?

Jennifer:    Today, I have my hands full with the current businesses. My focus right now is on growth.

But I am always thinking about ways to become more efficient professionally.

I do have more ideas for projects and products. And suspect I will get to those eventually

Joel:    Sounds like some good plans Jennifer. Thanks for your time today and thanks for being a part of #MNMOtv!

Jennifer:    Thank you Joel. It was my pleasure. And a truly unique experience!

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