Twitterview with Lee Svitak Dean

Hello! Today’s Twitterview guest is the food editor of the @StarTribune, it’s @StribTaste (Lee Svitak Dean). Lets get started!

Q – #1    Lets learn a little bit about you first @StribTaste. Where did you grow up, and where did you attend HS/college?

Lee:    Grew up in the western suburb of Mpls, in Crystal, in first class of Robbinsale Armstrong HS, where I was editor of newspaper

Graduated from Hamline U in St. Paul for B.A. in English, and U of M for M.A in journalism

Q – #2    I see. So did you do any intern work anywhere? What was your first job out of college?

Lee:    Worked for Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities, where had internship, followed as editor of North End News, a comm newspaper

Started part time at Strib while grad student, 31 years ago

Q – #3    What was it called then? (I know it’s changed names.) What did you 1st do there? When did you get the food topic?

Lee:    I worked at then Mpls Star, the afternoon paper, first as features copy editor, where did some work on Taste.

Did some writing on side for Taste, as was interested in food. Star merged with morning Mpls Tribune few yrs later and needed writer

Specifically a food writer. It meant shifting from afternoon/evening hrs to normal day hours. I had an infant at home and this worked

As important, it meant part of my job was testing recipes, which was terrific for a young family.

I expected to stay for a short while until I could move on to an “important” position, like covering politics or crime

But fell in love with food writing and never looked back. Always interesting, great people, always something new to learn

Q – #4    Had you enjoyed cooking/baking when you first started writing about it? How have your skills evolved since then?

Lee:    I always cooked a lot. Recipe testing meant I was constantly challenging myself, trying something new. Gained confidence and skills

Took some classes along way, talked with chefs and tried their recipes. Was a longtime learning experience

Also read loads of cookbooks, both for work and pleasure. Much to learn from there and interviewing authors

Q – #5    That’s great! Are there types of cooking, styles, flavors, that you prefer or are your go-to dishes to make?

Lee:    Prefer flavors that “pop.” Like fresh ingredients and farmers markets. Am practical cook and go for economy of time in kitchen

Like to put on dinner parties and lean toward restaurant-style presentation with its sense of drama.

Am a big soup maker (a really good one!). No scraps left unused in my kitchen.

Q – #6    You’ve had a book published and been in the “food biz” for awhile. What’s about food has changed in the past 10-15 years?

Lee:    Increasing interest in freshness of ingredients, availability of once-exotic ingredients, attention to local foods.

Also, alas, to relying too much on fast food or commercial products that are expensive, nutritionally inferior to make-your-own

A resurgence in interest in cooking at home, which I’m happy to see. A pandering to celebrity chefs, not so pleased about.

Q – #7    Good points! Briefly about your book, what’s it called, what does it cover and where can we get it?

Lee:    “Come One, Come All” offers seasonal menus that are each organized with a detailed game plan to fit cooking into busy lives

Each menu offers 3 approaches: suggestions for those w/lots of time, those who need a few shortcuts, those who want one main focus

Should be at all local bookstores, on amazon, at Minn Historical Society gift stores and w/links at my web site

Q – #8    Cool! Now for some of your FAVORITES: Restaurant, store, comfort food, vegetable, spice or herb and kitchen tool.

Lee:    New fav: Bachelor Farmer. Cooks of Crocus Hill. Am a carb fan: anything w/pasta or rice. Veg varies by season: now it’s potatoes

Love eggplant anytime. Freshly cracked black pepper. Love dill, cilantro, sage. Kuhn colorful knives: cheap, handy and look fun

Q – #9    Lots of variety! :)  What should @StarTribune readers be on the lookout for in the upcoming months?

Lee:    Our highly anticipated Holiday Cookie section comes out on Dec. 1. And the winner is … well, I’m not going to tell you yet!

Restaurant of the Year is also a biggie for us and we’re working now on it; debuts Dec. 27. And next week’s Thanksgiving recipes

We’ve always got something good cookin

Always a delicate balance between restaurant coverages, recipes and food-related topics of interest. Each has a following

Q – #10    Okay. To close, what’s a personal or professional goal that you have set for yourself that you hope to achieve soon?

Lee:    Another cookbook! And to spend more time teaching. And advance my online skills to the next level. It will keep me out of trouble!

This has been a pleasure. Thanks for your questions.

@JoelECarlson – Ha! Ha! They sound doable and achievable. :) Thank you so much Lee for your time and sharing today. Have a good weekend!

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