A moment of chocolate bliss!

Since I started my personal Twitter account about a year and a half ago, it has been amazing to meet so many people online and then eventually meet them in real life. This has afforded me the opportunity to meet people that I would probably never have met in a random encounter, and yet now I’ve benefited from connecting with them.  As an example, a few weeks ago a woman that runs a chocolate business in Duluth and follows me on Twitter, sent me an email telling me that she would be coming to the Twin Cities, and then asked if I would like to have some or her truffles. I didn’t have to ponder over that idea very long, and so I agreed to meet with her and try out her truffles.


I enjoy sharing what I have with others, and so Anna Rendell joined me to meet with Heidi Ash of 185Chocolate, and then I also took some from our meeting to give to Kate Selner, which she then shared with some of her friends. (A Pay-it-Forward moment.)


Believe me, it was a delight and worth the wait to try out these chocolates, and that on top of having them with some good coffee, what a morning!  There were four different chocolates that we tried, each of them made by her personally. She owns her company and makes of the the sweets herself.  In talking about how she came up with some of the different kinds, she said that there were “Happy Accidents”. So an accident that people can benefit from. How wonderful!


In looking at her work, they are definitely in the category of “Edible Art”. She uses no corn syrup, using honey instead. While this creates a shorter shelf-life, it does not lessen the flavors by any means. The little hearts that she makes have been used as party favors, and these take more time to make because of all of the detail that she puts in making them, but they are wonderful to try.


If you’re looking for some European styled chocolate hand-made in Minnesota, you need to try out 185Chocolat.

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