Twitterview with Aaron White

JoelECarlson – Twitterviews are back! Everybody welcome to the Twitterview of @AarontWhite starting right now!

Q –  #1    So @AarontWhite, tell us a little bit about yourself. Where did you grow up & what did you start out doing after High School?

A: Well, I grew up in a few places, living in Colorado, Kentucky, but mostly Minnesota.

After high school, I began pursuing a Communications degree at Northwestern College in St. Paul.

Q – #2    After college, what kinds of jobs and employers have you had in your career?

A: During college, I ended up discovering an interest in audio production, so I switched my major to Broadcasting.

During my senior year, I landed an internship at 98.5 KTIS, and began working there shortly after graduation.

I was there for about five years, doing everything from on-air work to behind-the-scenes audio editing.

I really loved it — met some great people and enjoyed some terrific experiences. In late 2008, though, I moved on.

Currently, I maintain some independent web clients, but I’m also back in radio on-air at 95.3 Praise FM.

I also contract with Minnesota Teen Challenge to edit their local and national radio spots, so I keep busy!

Q – #3    What would you say drew you to Social Media, and what’s your favorite platform to use?

A: I get excited about the way social media breaks down traditional communications barriers and conventions.

It opens up unique opportunities for creativity and innovation, too.

I personally find Twitter to be particularly effective, but each situation determines the best platform.

Q – #4    Agreed! What would you say has been your biggest personal or professional challenge to overcome thus far?

A: It was definitely a challenge to change careers and set out on my own. I had to learn a lot in a short span of time!

Through all of it, though, I got to know a lot of new people who have helped me along the way. (Thanks to all of you!)

I should add that Twitter was an indispensable tool in making that possible.

Q – #5    Awesome! Lets go to the FAVS: Favorite – Restaurant, store, winter activity & MSP neighborhood.

A: Fave local restaurant: San Pedro Cafe in Hudson. Love the Caribbean food! All time fave: Jack’s BBQ in Nashville!

Store: Does @thinkgeek count? Their catalog always makes me laugh. Winter activity: watching movies. I hate the cold!

MSP neighborhood: I’m a suburban guy, so I don’t know the city well, but I’m really starting to like the Lyn-Lake area.

Q – #6    What is 1 personal or professional goal that you’d like to achieve the next year or so?

A: My big goal is to actually establish an official business for the work I do rather than just operate as an individual.

My wife (@laurynw) also works w/ media & content, so we’re eager to create an umbrella under which we can both operate.

Q – #7    Now how great would that be! To end today, what advice would you give to those looking to do similar work as you do?

A: Just keep at it, and say “yes” to every possible opportunity for growth and networking.

@JoelECarlson – Very good! Thank you @AarontWhite for being today’s guest and sharing some of your thoughts and life online. Stay warm!

@AarontWhite – Thanks for the opportunity! It was a lot of fun.

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