Twitterview with Lesley Aveyard

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and welcome to an International Twitterview between MN and the U.K w/@LesleyAveyard. Lets get it started!

A: Hi Joel

Q – #1    So @LesleyAveyard, please share where you grew up as a child and where you’ve lived up until now.

A: Well I was born in Bradford, in Yorkshire UK and spent the first 18 years of my life there. Then I moved to Turkey

I got married in Turkey, my son Ryk was born there. I lived there for about 5 years

Now its back in Bradford again, my family are all still here :)

Q – #2    I see. Now your Twitter BIO says that you are a Social Media Chatterbox and your in marketing. How did that all start?

A: I returned to the Uk from Turkey with no job. I started working for my Dad who was in engineering

My Dad designed and built some amazing pneumatic lifting devices for a customer and I saw huge potential for these

So, I took on a huge marketing campaign for him, which thankfully was a success!! Enter the world of marketing :)

Since then I’ve worked in various sectors & went ‘solo’ about 5 yrs ago. I built up a telemarketing company initially

I have always been active online, in chat rooms and so on so as Social Media grew, so did my activity and interest!

Now I help solo and small businesses understand and embrace Social Media and help with networking skills too

Q – #3    Good for you! What kind of response do you get from businesses in the UK re: Social Media? Strong? Mild?

A: interest is increasing, I have noticed a lot more ‘buzz’ and people are asking a lot more questions now

Some are still sitting on the fence, I think a bit like they did when the Internet became massive

all in all the message is getting through. Like a lot of things, some are afraid of change and perhaps technology too

The bit I love the most about my job is seeing the freedom of creativity and control it gives to those I coach

Those that have never networked online before are totally amazed at the serendipity of it all

Q – #4    @Facebook, @Twitter & @Foursquare are popular in the U.S. What’s popular in the U.K when it comes to Social Media?

A: Twitter is taking its grip. But Facebook is more popular to certain age groups. My daughter prefers FB over Twitter

Foursquare is taking off well too and I am currently talking to retail & leisure companies about it .

However, I am not seeing a lot of success (as in new business) through FB Pages yet, here in the UK

Q – #5    Any geo-location platforms like @Foursquare, @Gowalla or @FacebookPlaces being used much in the UK?

A: Well I use @Foursquare & I encourage friends to do the same @Gowalla is not as popular, @Facebook Places is still v new

location based apps will get more popular as social media becomes more accepted here – people are worried about privacy

Q – #6    Have businesses been offering deals for “check-ins” on @Foursquare? Do you have any unique Badges?

A: Hahaha I got a Boat Enthusiasts badge but don’t sail :)

You have to remember we take a while in the UK to catch up to you guys :) The badges will get more unusual I’m sure

as people experiment and become more curious. Lots of restaurant chains and pubs using @Foursquare now

Q – #7    That’s good to hear. Now for your favorites: Restaurant/pub, store, tech gadget and outdoor activity.

A: Well I don’t drink so pubs aren’t a great favorite of mine, unless they serve tea :)

I love Mexican + Italian food & I never get tired of trying out new venues :) My favorite restaurant? My own kitchen!

I’m not a gadget person really but I suppose my HTC Desire is the latest for me. Still getting used to it!

I had a Blackberry before and can’t get used to the touchscreen or not being able to tweet whilst I walk :)

We have a dog and so I guess my favorite outdoor activity is walking Caspar with @PanAveyard

Although @PanAveyard is desperately trying to get me on my bike and get out cycling with him. Maybe in the spring!

We are expecting snow, literally tonight, and I wouldn’t mind going sledging either

Q – #8    Fun! To end today, what life advice or mantra would you like to share with people today?

A: People should keep on communicating and connecting, because (and it’s my company’s name) Conversation Matters!!

To be part of an opportunity, you need to be there when the opportunity arises. Connect, connect connect :)

@JoelECarlson – Very good! Thanks for your time and comments today. Enjoy your snow! MN is supposed to get some today & tomorrow.

@LesleyAveyard – Thank you Joel this has been a new experience and great fun :) If we get snow lets compare pics!! Thank you

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