Twitterview (2.0) with Kate-Madonna Hindes

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone and to @girlmeetsgeek as we conduct a Twitterview 2.0 with her today. Lets make like an 80’s hair-band and rock!

Q – #1    Lets start with you and all of your recent “pub” about your work. What’s happened with you recently in your career?

A: I revved up the 7+ year freelancing biz and landed a fantastic gig as the Dir. of Mktg and Recruiting at Brigham Group

(And, I love it.) I work with some of the most passionate and hilarious people daily. Right, @JenniferBrigham?

Q – #2    That’s just awesome! So how were the first few days for you, and what kind of responsibilities do you have now?

A: My first steps were to really figure out strategy and learn about our team. We are expanding rapidly

I focused on the preliminaries. Taking over the recruiting world is next. #Maybe :)

To make any organizational changes, you must first understand, trust and acknowledge your team. :)

Q – #3    In starting a new job, as you did, what advice would you give to people on how to mentally and emotionally prepare?

A: Lose ends need to be tied up. Treat it like a valuable relationship, don’t bring old baggage to the new job.

I remind myself my goal is to be a SME where I’m at, but each company is different. I set myself up 2 listen and learn

Q – #4    Good points! Now as a big Social Media user, how will you use it to connect people to work and businesses to people?

A: We will be unveiling a brand new website soon. Our strategies for recruiting are changing. It’s more HUMAN.

We’ll be sourcing more with SM, but also trying to be more accessible to give resources, guidance and a clear voice.

Q – #5    With all of the recent TECH advances, the HUMAN element cannot get overlooked. So how was your summer? Any travel?

A: Our summer completely flew by. Big trips included… River Falls, Winona and the North Shore. #PhotoTaking

You can check out the ridiculous amount of photos I can’t stop taking here:

Q – #6    North Shore is ALWAYS awesome! So with your new job, will you continue speaking, and where have you done so lately?

A: I’ll be speaking a few places coming up. Tomorrow is Wordcamp- (

Tues. is: You Can Get Hired ( and Tues. Afternoon is for the MNPRSA.

Tonight: Speaking for the #NCCC on Cervical Cancer awareness at Rhea Pappas Show:

Q – #7    I see. RE: Blogging – Where do you get inspiration from for your posts from, and are new topics difficult for you?

A: I never blog unless I’m ‘fired up.’ This keeps me from looking back and saying, “what a waste of words.” I draw from life.

My greatest successes in blogging have come when I’ve cracked open my soul and laid it out on the keyboard. #TheBest

Q – #8    At the #MNBlogConf I heard about the #HeartGut. Good 4 you! Any “hot” job fields right now for job seekers?

A: I try to favorite great job leads and articles for searchers. (Feel free to peruse.) Make sure to check POLLEN Group on LinkedIn

Q – #9    Okay. On the personal side, and restaurants or stores that you’ve tried lately that you had a good experience at?

A: I now order everything I can from @SoapDotCom. You could say I’m obsessed. Also, everyone knows what a @LOFT fiend I am.

As far as local goes, I try to shop second-hand…except for food. A secret? I still love Perkins pancakes at 3am. #SoGood

Q – #10    So as we near the end of 2010 and start 2011 soon, what professional or personal goals have you made for yourself?

A: My huge goal is to get the book published by 2012. Most of my goals just revolve around being a good parent, and happy.

Q – #11    Book?!?! What book are you writing, and what is it about? (Sorry if I missed hearing about it.)

A: Had a publisher in college, wanted to wait. Now I think it’s ready. :) I’ll be excited to share more, soon.

@JoelECarlson – Thank you so much @girlmeetsgeek for your comments and time today. I think most will agree that you are a positive force in MN!

@GirlMeetsGeek – It was a honor to Twitterview with you twice. :) Joel, you ROCK. And, I think I speak for everyone, you’re a FORCE in the industry.

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