Twitterview with Beth Rubin-Gabor

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and welcome to the Twitterview of @WhereItBlooms. No potting soil or roof-top garden talk here. :)

@WhereItBlooms – Thanks for having me here today!

Q – #1    So @whereitblooms, where did you grow up, what HS did you attend and what did you do out of HS for work?

A: I grew up in NW suburb in the Twin Cities, went to Armstrong High School and then attended college at Bradley University in IL.

My first job out of college was in desktop publishing at a financial institution in Chicago…love the city!

After that I was a marketing director for a real estate/property management firm #jectv Saw lots of fancy expensive Chicago homes then.

Q – #2    So how did you end up back in MN, and what kind of jobs did you have up until now that lead you to start @whereitblooms?

A: I moved back to MN to be close to family. I started @whereitblooms 8 yrs ago and love working with small businesses.

My clients have included business owners, nonprofit organizations, retail, realtors, and projects for fam/friends too!

Lately I’ve worked with clients who need logo development and branding. Also have a new client needing product design work …fun!

Q – #3    Fun! Having work that involves creativity, do you find it difficult to “turn off” your mind at the end of the day?

A: Yes, I am always in creative mode! The mind does not shut off ;) I am inspired by so many things …visual photos, conversations, etc

Magazines are the most inspiring to me…I’ll sit with a stack and just tear tear tear. Great to get design ideas.

For business branding I really want to get to know my client and their business. That is key in being successful with marketing.

Anyone that is creative can relate to the mind not shutting down :)

Q – #4    What types/fields of business have you worked with?

A: I work with mainly small businesses and consultants in retail, real estate, fashion, coaching, non-profit…

Anyone who needs design, branding, marketing materials, promotional items are typically my niche.

Lately I’ve also been training and educating them in the social media arena. #jectv I love doing that since I’m passionate …

about the direction social media is taking small businesses. There are great opportunities to create awareness

Q – #5    Good for you! :) Lets shift to your FAVS: Favorite – restaurant, store, color, tech gadget and TC’s neighborhood.

A: Fav restaurants: Oragami, Wok in the Park. Stores: Nordstroms, Len Druskin Outlet. Neighborhoods: Linden Hills

Tech Gadget: my iTouch and my kids DS (for them not me), my drawing pad that hooks to Adobe

My favorite colors are green …goes with my logo :) and red although I don’t wear that much

I also love the new West End restaurants and shops! Sauce is delish and I love Hot Mama for clothes too.

Q – #6    Interesting choices. So @whereitblooms, are you affiliated with any design/mrktg groups in the TC’s?

A: Right now I am affiliated with more networking groups WIN (Women in Networking) and exploring TC Chamber.

However, looking to expand more and continue to make creative connections :)

Q – #7    That would be a good idea. With winter coming soon, any winter travel plans that you are looking forward to?

A: We usually go to Chicago during the winter to visit family. We have a big trip to Israel planned for spring!

I’ve been to Israel twice but not in over 20 years. This time we’ll bring our whole family.

Q – #8    That will be quite a trip. If you could pick 1 person, dead/alive to have dinner with, who would you pick and why?

A: oh…tough question but I would say Bette Midler. She has it all, personality, drive, talent. Would be interesting.

I am also a huge James Taylor fan so if Bette couldn’t make dinner he’d be my next pick!

Q – #9    I enjoy Taylor too. So to end today, what general advice or mantra would you share with others today?

A: I think the best advice I’d give is one I follow myself. Be AUTHENTIC in who you are and what you do.

@JoelECarlson – Very good! Thank you @whereitblooms (Beth) for your time today and sharing some of your life. Have a great afternoon!

@WhereItBlooms – Thanks Joel for the opportunity! Have a great day too.

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