Twitterview with Liz Tupper

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and welcome to the Twitterview of busy mom and techie-gal @etupper. Lets get to Tweetn’!

Q – #1    So @etupper, where did you grow up, what HS did you attend and what did you do for schooling/training after HS?

A: I grew up in St. Paul just north of Sun Ray. Attended Hill-Murray for HS.

After HS I attended MCTC for college to pursue a career as an architect

It wasn’t the right career path for me, so I left before completing my degree too enter the workforce.

Q – #2    So what kind of work did you do then, and how did that lead you to what you do now?

A: I already knew how to build websites, taught myself in 96, and started as web developer working for FindLaw in 2000.

I am still at FindLaw and have had the fortunate opportunity to work in several different roles in during the past decade.

Web Dev, Tech Support, Account Management, SEO, and my favorite People Management.

I love technology and developing and creating more efficient processes and coaching and developing people

This love has more recently lead me to additional projects including @ShesGeeky and @SieEnt.

Q – #3    And in your spare time you sleep and eat right? :) How did you make your 1st website back in 96′? What program?

A: HA! yes, I get 8 hrs sleep each night :). I built my 1st site on geocities using notepad. Very hardcore!

Q – #4    Sure is! Now about @ShesGeeky, explain what that is and why you got involved with the MN Chapter of it?

A: @SheGeeky is an unconference for women and girls interested/working in STEM fields.

Last year @moarinternets and I attend the DC conference with the intention of bringing it back to Twin Cities.

We had our 1st conference @sciencemuseummn in Aug with great success, and are currently looking at dates for 2011.

I love the forum that @ShesGeeky offers women/girls which is a place where they can network & meet like minded people.

For me bringing @ShesGeeky to the Twin Cities was one of greatest professional accomplishment to date.

Q – #5    Congrats to you on the success of @ShesGeeky! In addition to tech, what other passion do you have? (HINT: Austin TX)

A: I have recently traveled to Austin, TX to attend #gdconline for @SieEnt and #aclfest

I love to travel and see live music. #aclfest had a 100+ bands across 3 days. It was an amazing experience.

I have also recently started running. Did my 1st 5k @WomenRun back in Sept. My #1 passion is being a mom.

Q – #6    Wasn’t there an #aclfest App too? On to the FAVS: Favorite – restaurant, store, area to run and Fall activity?

A: there was an #aclfest app. I pick all the bands I wanted to see and didn’t miss a beat as I move from stage to stage.

Fav restaurant. I love eating outside! @CiaoBella

Fav store would be @Target. I am a huge couponer. I love there mobile coupons.

Fav area to run would be around the park in my neighborhood or at @LifeTimeFitness

Fav fall activity, I can’t just pick one: going to rock shows, the apple orchard I recommend Afton Apple, hiking, etc

Q – #7    Some good choices. For people considering a jump into web design/development, what’s one piece of advice you’d share?

A:    for those wanting to enter web dev/des I would recommend building a site on your own if you haven’t done so already

Or entering the field a different way. Start out as a Project Manager.

Q – #8    So learn by “digging in”. To end with today, what mantra or life advice would you like to share today?

A: If you desire to be something or try something new just do it. Keep telling people you story. It’s working for me :)

@JoelECarlson – Thanks so much for your time today and sharing some of your life on Twitter. Have a great afternoon @etupper!

@etupper – thanks!

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