Twitterview (2.0) with Nicole Harrison

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and welcome to the Twitterview 2.0 of local social media titan @SocialNicole! Lets get this thing rolling!

@SocialNicole – Hi Joel, glad to make it, this time… :)

Q – #1    So @SocialNicole, how did you come up with your Twiter handle, and how has #nptalk been going for you?

A: that’s a great question, my twitter handle…My name was taken, so I did my name with an underscore…

that seemed boring, so one day I was brainstorming and it just hit me…socialnicole sounded good, easy to remember

and when I decide to do something I usually do it without too much thought, so the name was available and I took it.

nptalk has been amazing, the community continues to grow. I feel so fortunate to get to be a part of this wonderful group of ppl.

each week, i meet new ppl, but we also have lots of regulars who participate and share, it’s really a nice resource #nptalk

Recently I have had 2 new ppl join volunteer for #nptalk @jjmillard who does the transcript and @hannahfeder who writes the summary.

With @jjmillard and @hannahfeder helping out, it has made follow up much easier and more manageable…nice reference for ppl #nptalk

Q – #2    @SocialNicole What moved you to start #nptalk, and what kind of topics have you been able to cover?

A: One day last March I was asking lots of questions about fundraising on Twitter, got like 20 ppl in a discussion, tagged it

during that @marcseyon from trinidad, one of my fav twitter ppl, dm’d me and told me I should start a chat…

I said, what? I don’t know how to do that…and so @marcseyon dm’d me all the details and

that same day I asked the people who joined the discussion what they thought of a chat, they said yes, do it…

so I officially started it that day, like I said when I have an idea I usually run with it, or when others give me a good idea…

we have talked about all kinds of things facebook, facebook fan pages, twitter, SEO, Website development, advocacy w/social media,

fundraising, professional development, content creation, enewsletters, you name it we have or will be talking about it…

social media plans, getting “buy in” from leadership, social media marketing, training staff to use social media….

Q – #3    In addition to your #nptalk, what kinds of events have you attended lately, and what have you volunteered for?

A: I was a volunteer for the #sethgodinmpls event last month, I just attended the #nme10 in chicago Tuesday which was awesome!

#Nme10 new marketing experiment put on by @nmlteam @chrisbrogan’s company, met amazing people, learned so much…

Met @AmberCadabra @TheTimHayden @DavidBThomas @cbarger @paulaberg @DavidBaeza @justinlevy @georgeju @geoffh just to name a few #nme10

and I cannot wait to go to #bwe10 in October…good times… :)

Q – #4    Something else happened to you this summer. You purchased the #iPhone4. How has your experience been with it?

A: Ha ha…I think you are baiting me… I LOVE APPLE, I LOVE IPHONES!!!! I LOVE MACS!!!

even if iPhone 4 is the worse actual phone I have ever owned, it drops calls all the time…and I get terrible service in my house

errible service with AT&T in my house, that sits in the city between two tours and I have a microcell to help but it does not good

but the iphone 4 rocks for everything else, just because drop calls all day long…I hate talking on the phone anyway, so it’s ok :)

the iphone 4 is super fast and I love the new os on it, and the screen is super sensitive and I like everything, except calling ppl

and i hate AT&T and cannot wait for apple to drop the contract with them…but otherwise life is good… :)

Q – #5    So iPhone4 = Good, AT&T = Bad. Now you took a very big and adult step this summer with your business. What happened?

A: Yes, I hired a designer @grandciel, who made me a fab logo and I hired a lawyer @mplslawyer who made me an LLC and now I’m a grown up

You can see my new logo and business info at

Q – #6    That must feel good! In addition to that, with a name like @SocialNicole, you must do some speaking. Any this summer?

A: I did a presentation at the University of St. Catherine for their Summer Leadership Series about….social media and career growth

and I spoke with @girlmeetsgeek at #jmu612 about Linkedin…that was fun…

and I have a few more speaking things coming up mid october…so the speaking/training gig is going well…it’s fun and…

and I get to meet a lot of new people every time I present…so it keeps me…social… :)

Q – #7    On a different level… how do you manage with having your own biz, pets and kids? Are you getting the hang of it?

A: my puppies waiting to go to dog park #jectv #TwitPict

Ha ha ha…everyday is an adventure…working from home can be challenging the dogs are very spoiled, fortunately kids are in school.

but I love it…lots of flexibility…just have to manage time well…yes, I am getting the hang of it… :)

Q – #8    Good! Now earlier you mentioned #bwe10. What is that about, and what are you hoping to learn? Is it a BIG Conf?

A: Ha ha #bwe10 is a fairly big conference…blog world expo, it’s all about blogging and social media stuff…in vegas…

I am excited to attend #bwe10, will hang out with a lot of minnesota people but also get to meet a lot of people I know on twitter…

I think about 4000 people attend?…

I am sure I will learn tons of blogging and social media stuff, my focus will probably be on SEO, that’s been a big focus of mine…

Q – #9    So what plans/goals do you have for yourself for the next year or so? For your biz and professionally.

A: I am just planning on growing my business, I have great clients and enjoy the work, doing more speaking and I want to write more…

I want to blog 3 or more times per week, so I am working on getting better at actually finishing the posts…

I also hope that #nptalk will grow and continue to serve people, perhaps we will branch out and get our own website…

And of course continue to grow my IRL network along with my social networks. I love all the people I get to meet and enjoy…

building relationships and connecting people and making things happen. That is really what I love, helping people reach their goals.

@JoelECarlson – That all sounds good @SocialNicole! Enjoy your weekend and keep up the good work. Thanks for your time today. :)

@SocialNicole – Thank you @joelecarlson…and you keep doing great things…your Twitterviews are great, love the new website…and thanks for all…

Thanks @joelecarlson for all the great things you do in the community, you have helped with so many great events…thank you.

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