Your desk – What is it saying about you?

If you work from home or you work at an office space, you know doubt have a desk or work surface area to call your own. A place to do your work at and get things done. What does yours look like?

Do you have a very sparse looking desk where it would be hard to tell if a person even uses their desk? No pictures, no calendar, no papers or pens lying around. It looks like a ghost town. Maybe you have a cluttered desk with piles and piles of papers, books, binders, pictures and maybe some stress balls. You might even have a desk that’s right in the middle, where it looks lived in with a few pictures  a desk calendar and papers, but there’s space to do actual work at too.

Some may say that a cluttered desk is the sign of a busy person, and that could be true, but it could also show that you don’t take enough time for yourself. Your desk can be a real reflection on who you are. Just like a persons clothes, home and car appearance and condition can be a reflection on who they are.

A desk should should something about the person that uses it. Are they young or older. Do they have a family or pets.  What kind of interests do they have and are they a clean, organized and detailed person. Do you agree, and what does your desk say about you?

4 comments Add yours
  1. Maybe I should send you a picture and you could tell me what my desk says about me. For one thing I work from home so not many ever see my desk but if they did they would see something that looks kind of like mission control. I use more than one monitor and I have a lot of electronic gadgets and wires and then there are the camera lenses here and there . The walls are covered with photos but none of them are of people becasue I don’t like people. You can’t tell my age or gender by looking at my desk. You can tell that I like popcorn.

    1. I can imagine that a number of “techie-people” have desks that are similar. No pics of people? Aren’t you in real estate where you deal with people all of the time? The desk-gender markers is a good point too.

      1. Yes I deal with people all day long. I don’t need to look at them too. I have pictures of houses and art work on my walls, and a hand painted map of the twin cities. I suppose the handbag that sits next to my desk would denote gender but that is the only thing I see that would clue anyone in.

  2. My home office desk says: The kids rule the roost.

    I’m not sure what my office desks have said about me but they’ve all been very sparse. Nothing personal out except a picture or two of the family and my name in hot lead type. I put office supplies away in the desk drawer when I was done using them (which was rarely) and there was likely a stack of newspapers and a magazine box full of magazines. And that’s it.

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