TwitterReview Smack Shack

@JoelECarlson: Hello, and welcome to the TwitterReview of @Smack_Shack featuring Josh Thoma as the man in charge of the Tweets. Lets get started! Q – #1    To start, how did the concept for @Smack_Shack go from a thought to a reality? What was the process? Josh: I wanted to start a food truck with an…

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Kitchen in the Market – VIP Event

In the former Sears building off of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue in South Minneapolis, there is a great market called the Midtown Global Market. They feature numerous food offerings from a wide variety of areas around the world, and also feature fresh locally grown foods. In addition to that, there is a working kitchen…

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Twitterview with Shaina Olmanson

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and welcome to the Food-Friday Twitterview of @FoodforMyFamily. Set your timers to 1hr and then serve. :) Q – #1    So @FoodforMyFamily, lets find out a little bit about your background. Where did you grow up and go to school? A: I grew up in the Twin Cities. St. Paul, then…

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Twitterview with Jennifer Patterson

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and welcome to the Food-Friday Twitterview with guest @UnplannedCookin. Set your timer to 1hr and lets cook! Q – #1    So @unplannedcookin, where did you grow up and what did you start doing out of High School? A: I grew up in Ithaca, NY and became a camp counselor that first…

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TwitterReview of the Chow Girls

@JoelECarlson – Hello everybody, and welcome to the TwitterReview of local NE Minneapolis caterer @ChowGirls, with Heidi doing the Tweets. @ChowGirls – Bring it! Q – #1    So when did the @chowgirls first begin, and how did you come up with the name? A: March 2004. @amylynnbrown and I were bantering names back and forth….

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