@JoelECarlson – Hello all to the Twitterview of @wabbitoid (Erik Hare). Lets get started.
@wabbitoid – Hello, everyone!
Thanks for having me, Joel – I really appreciate it!
Q – #1 To start, please share where you grew up and what schooling/jobs you’ve done up until now.
A: I grew up in Perrine, FL, just south of Miami near the Keys. Went to school at CMU in Pittsburgh (BS ChemE).
I worked for 3M for 16 years, mostly in R&D. Took a buyout in 03, worked for the UofM in R&D.
In order to have more time with my kids I went into freelancing, mostly grant writing for nonprofits until about a year ago
Today I do many things, incl. web content writing, SM consulting and strategic planning for nonprofits.
Q – #2 Good for you to “make your own way” in the work that you do! Which kind of work drives you the most?
A: I’m most excited about SM consulting because I found a very fun niche that goes with my experience as a community activist.
I like to work with very small businesses,mostly as a coach but sometimes as a website crafter and content provider.
Many of my referrals come from District Councils. I really enjoy using social media to empower small neighborhood biz.
I guess I’m still an idealist at heart, but I want the ‘net to live up to its promise. That means increased access / diversity / etc
@wabbitoid – (I guess I should write a big honkin’ grant for m’self to do this stuff, but I’m terrible at self promo!)
Q – #3 I see. What are some of the fears or hangups that you’ve found amongst businesses new to the SM world?
A: Many small bizzes hear all the jargon and so on and fear that they have to learn a LOT of stuff they don’t have time for.
Also, many paid big $$$ to put up a static website that got them little return on investment, so they’ve been burned.
I emphasize strategic planning first because we’re talking entrepeneurs with little time, they have to make the most of it.
But most of the people I talk to are looking for a pretty basic education and hard look at potential return on investment, really.
You show them how to use the metrics and build in coupons etc. to related it all to the bottom line and they’ll give it a try!
Q – #4 Good for you! Good work! Do you give any attention to geo-location SM yet, or start ppl with the basics?
A: I do very little with that. Honestly, just waiting for foresquare to get back to me can take for-evah.
You hit what I have vowed to educate m’self on very quickly here. (>blush!<) I’m trying to figure out what the return is.
You hit what I have vowed to educate m’self on very quickly here. (>blush!<) I’m trying to figure out what the return is.
@JoelECarlson – I see it as creating location/brand loyalty. Also providing ppl that check-in with a reason to continue to do so.
Q – #5 Lets get to more about you and your FAVS: restaurant, store, winter activity and tech gadget.
A: OK, the favs – not a gadget person at all, would have to say my very cool wok from Shuang Hur :-)
Store has to be Seven Corners Hardware – always has what I need.
As an ex Floridian (even after 23 years!) I reserve the right to remain inactive all Winter and just gripe about it. :-)
On geo-location – It’s fun to encourage, but what’s the role for owners? If FS got back to me I’d have rewards all over the place.
Q – #6 The role of owners is creating incentives (badges,deals) for people to come back and check-in over and over. Restaurant?
A: We should have a speed-tweeting contest. As a web content writer I have to type insanely fast. :-)
Restaurant … I love to cook, so I often go for adventure and schooling first. Love a place that teaches me something.
I think my fave restaurant right now is probably India House on Grand Avenue, St Paul. Just a very well done Indian place, good price
Q – #7 To close, what life lesson or mantra would you like to share with everyone?
A: Oh, sure, ask the wannabe philosopher a question like that … :-)
As a Taoist I can think of many things I’d like to say, but few fit in 140 chars (at least not in English, they don’t!)
I’ll use 3 from my quotes page – “Anything will reveal its secrets if you love it enough.” George Washington
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” The Lorax (via Dr. Seuss)
“We are the dreamers of dreams.” Willy Wonka (via Roald Dahl)
IRL I quote Willy Wonka all the time. So I have to close with that one. :-)
@JoelECarlson – Thanks @wabbitoid for sharing today and spending some time on #jectv. Have a great afternoon and stay warm.
@wabbitoid – Thanks @JoelECarlson – it was fun! A great time!
Not a single mention of Barataria? That seems strange!
Thanks for a fun interview! I hope this all makes sense in the morning. :-)