When considering using Social Media yourself, a good place to start is by giving some thought, though not a lot, as to who you are. What are your interests? What kinds of things do you talk about in “water cooler” conversations with people at work, at seminars or coffee shops? Briefly thinking about those questions will give you an idea of the kind of person you will be using Social Media. You probably won’t deviate far from what you figure out.
Doing this will give you an idea of what kind of posts or Tweets you’ll make and also give you some ideas as to the BIO or description of yourself that the various Social Media platforms asks you about entering. It can even give you ideas as to what kind of avatar image you might use for yourself. How will you be dressed? What kind of expression will you have on your face?
All of these points are good to think about so when people see you or come across your Social Media account, in a few seconds they can determine “Is this somebody that I want to connect with or not?” As it is with face-to-face meetings with people, your introduction or how you present yourself online can have a real impact on getting a good following, or being left alone.