Twitterview with Sara Kerr

Hello everyone, and welcome to today’s Twitterview with my guest @Sara_G_N_Kerr. Lets get started!

Sara:    Thanks, Joel, I’m delighted to be here.

Q – #1    So @Sara_G_N_Kerr, share with us a little about yourself. Where did you grow up, attend school and what was your 1st adult job?

Sara:    I studied French Lit and Econ at the U of MN which led me to selling wine at Haskell’s the @TheWinePeople

From there I went into Intl Marketing at the former #NWA and now teach @skate and do marketing for @goodgroundpress

Q – #2    So what got you interested in marketing and then using social media?

Sara:    I’ve always loved marketing, so to me, social media is a fun, dynamic tool to add to the mix

Plus social media is fast, creative, and quantifiable.

One of the things I love about social media is that it “evens the playing field” better than other tools when it comes to non-profits

The same applies to small vs large businesses.

Q – #3    Did you have any mentors that helped you, along with your schooling, along the way?

Sara:    Yes and no – I had a brilliant Frech prof in college, but by the time I was in grad school I didn’t.

I wish I had @UofStThomasMN, but my 1st masters (intl mgnt) was before the Opus school. My class didn’t have that #cohort experience.

However, I do now with the Dean of School of Bus. & Leadership @stkate, Paula King and my chair, Mary Henderson.

Q – #4    Since #sm as it’s used today wasn’t taught in school, how have you learned and adapted to use it effectively?

Sara:    I think all marketers / biz people have to stay up to date. It was pretty hard to NOT notice #SM 5 years ago.

HOW is really using #sm (which is how I teach it, too), reading, analyzing and #playing

Philosophically, I think experimentation is incredibly powerful — teaching you how to do something and what the limitations are.

Q – #5    Are there any Thought Leaders or people in the industry that you’ve benefited from following and connecting with?

Sara:    I suppose you could say that whom I follow here, on Twitter all influence me. #jectv (Vague, I know)

My #ahah moment occurred when I read @dmscott first book. Otherwise, I follow the #usualsuspects for insight.

My favorite blog du jour is @tboard an innovative #StPaul realtor with the most perfect real estate blog

I love to follow new uses of current #SM such as the #unsummit or bar classes.

Q – #6    Lets learn more about YOU. Favorite(s): restaurant, store, comfort food, color, recent book/blog and TC’s neighborhood.

Sara:    I’m #ADHD which means I make mischief, mayhem, messes, and meals.

I LOVE #stpaul and will never live anywhere else. I am a total wine geek, so maybe if I had the chance I’d own a vineyard #Burgundy.

For gifts I love @grandhand and @sciencemuseummn

Our family comfort food is linguine and clam sauce, however I always tweek my mother’s recipe.

Going out, if a restaurant serves #mussels, my husband and I will be there! @meritage_stpaul and W.A. Frost

Oh, and I do love #minneapolis, too. I could not live without @FirstAve (i was a DJ in college, too)

Last one: interestingly I’m not at all into the #momblog phenomenon

Q – #7    You mentioned that you LOVE St. Paul. What are your thoughts on Mpls, and should they both be called Twin Cities?

Sara:    Siblings at the very least, but #twin is more marketable. Bickering children that remind me of my sons.

When I blog (+ 5 others) I write more about #stpaul only because I bike everywhere and I have to drive to #mpls

Q – #8    So for your own growth, personal or professional, what do you hope to accomplish in the next year or two?

Sara:    Personally, I’m looking into a PhD program at the U of MN #jectv Either Cultural Studies / Comp Lit or Comm.

I’m speaking here in Sept about teaching #SM in college

Goals: apply to school, publish another paper, teach better and make more messes with my kids

Q – #9    Nice opportunity! So to close today, what advice would you share with students looking to get into your field?

Sara:    To take risks and make mistakes AND always use spell check.

2nd, volunteering with an organization you care deeply about often presents opportunities to learn and apply #SM in IRW.

Thanks Joel, this was really fun!

@JoelECarlson:    Thank you for sharing some of your thoughts and your time today on #jectv. Have a great week! :)

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