Twitterview with Scott Pampuch

@JoelECarlson: Hello everyone. Having a good FRIDAY? Lets start it off well for you with a Food-Friday Twitterview with chef @scottpampuch.

Q – #1    So @scottpampuch, did you always want to be a chef and work with food?

Scott: Wow, I have no idea what I have “always wanted to be” as a kid, I thought teacher, but over the years, cooking has always been passion, so, watch what you wish for I guess.

Still learning about # and this whole #twitter thing

Scott: My goal for the #Twitterview is to reach 1000 followers and then buy everyone a drink tonight that comes in for 10@10 if I reach 100 followers!

Q – #2    You mentioned to me that you wanted to get into broadcasting, but switched to food. What triggered the switch?

Scott: My switch out of broadcasting? Two words: small market radio. Wait, that is three. Loved the cities when I moved here + did not want to go back to small town.

Q – #3    When it comes to food, you have @CTKitchentable, @TourdeFarm and you just started #CSK today. Explain what each is.

Scott: @CTKitchentable This is the restaurant that I opened in 2004. 43rd + Nicollet #jectv “Farm driven, not chef driven”

@TourDeFarm #jectv This was created after doing a dinner with @leahOITF They Rock!! Just asked permission to copy the idea and there we go.

#CSK = Community Supported Kitchen = Membership based program to get local food into peoples hands in a simple and convenient way and help inspire them to cook new things.

#CSK It is a lot more than just that, but check it out here. You know 140 characters and all, I could go for an hour on this one. Ask any of the #MNFOODBLOGGERS about it as well.

Q – #4    You are one busy man! So with @CTKitchentable, has it changed or evolved at all since you first opened it in 04′?

Scott: @CTKitchentable Changed in all aspects except for one. Farms. We have evolved the menu, we have become more #local , no seafood.

@CTKitchentable I could go on for hours about that one topic, the evolution of a restaurant. It is what works for me, I love it.

@CTKitchentable I told @RickNelsonStrib when we opened that If i could change the name and the concept every year I would. But always #local
@CTKitchentable I would love to do an Italian restaurant, all local, Spanish restaurant, all #local, burger joint, all local. Seeing a trend?

Q – #5    Let move on to @TourdeFarm, you started that in 09′. Any changes to that format? How many come & any announcements?

Scott: @TourDeFarm + @melikes @krishase Are working hard on this season. There will be a #breakfast event this year. #jectv There will be new faces + new places.

This is all about a conversation for me. #jectv Talk about food. Think about food. Engage your food. Listen to others + celebrate what we do.

@TourDeFarm Will be doing 2 picnics + one dinner this year.

I am also working with @beardfoundation on an event this year as well. A huge deal for me to work with the James Beard Foundation.

Q – #6    You are doing fine on Twitter. You talk a lot about using Local Food. Isn’t that tough with all of the seasons in MN?

Scott: Sorry, had to sneak that in there. #jectv Ah, #local food. All the Seasons in #Minnesota is what makes cooking local amazing.

Cooking local is more than just lettuce + tomatoes. #jectv Dairy, meats, there are so many things out there that we can get now year round now that we could not get before.

When I started almost 7 years ago, we could not get lettuces year round. #jectv Now that so many have started to buy #local and allow farms to reinvest in themselves, we are getting so much more great stuff year round.

We got green beans last week from #Whitewater Gardens with the help of @hsfpigs Green beans this soon? #jectv Yes, really. Two words: Season Extention

Needless to say we have green beans all over our menu and specials right now. I love the seasons in MN

I was in NY and saw on a menu beef from Minnesota. Made me very proud.

The seasons in Minnesota make me a better cook. #jectv It challenges me to be very creative and very understanding of balance on a plate with very little.

I could talk a lot about that questions.

Q – #7    A few things before we close. 1) How’s the harmonica, guitar playing and cycling going?  2) How can Co-Ops improve?

Scott: Right. Well, all those were attempted hobbies, that well, just are out there, and maybe someday. But for right now, Not So Good.

Co-ops? How can they improve? Wow. INSERT CAN OF WORMS HERE!!!

I think co-ops do a great job in getting people in touch with food. Bottom line. We have a great bounty of #local food.

How could they get better? #jectv #gocoop No matter the quantity of #local food that a buyer gets their hands on? Buy it. Even if in small amount. Just sell as much as you can. Keep up the good work!

Really, I shop @The_Wedge, and talk to produce guys all the time. They have connected me with some new farms.

@JoelECarlson: Thanks @scottpampuch for your thoughts and comments today. You are doing a LOT for the local food community in MN! Have a great day!

Scott: Well, I did not make 1000 followers so no #freebeer tonight. Sorry all. #jectv but come in and check out 10@10 tonight. Free burgers

Thanks very much Joel. #jectv. I will just keep trying. Glad to be part of a great local community. We have good dirt in MN. Makes good food. #local #gocoop

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