Twitterview with Shaina Olmanson

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and welcome to the Food-Friday Twitterview of @FoodforMyFamily. Set your timers to 1hr and then serve. :)

Q – #1    So @FoodforMyFamily, lets find out a little bit about your background. Where did you grow up and go to school?

A: I grew up in the Twin Cities. St. Paul, then moved to Champlin. Graduated from high school and found myself @ UofMN

my husband and I moved back towards campus while he was in grad school, and we’ve been here ever since.

Q – #2    I see. So what did you take for coursework at the UofM, and what did you do after you finished there?

A: I studied psychology and Spanish studies at UMN, and after I worked at The Courage Center b4 leaving to work 4 myself,

Q – #3    What kind of business is is, and how did you come up with the idea?

A: I originally did accounting work and later editing, transcription and consulting for different clients.

then I transitioned that into freelance writing when I needed something more personally fulfilling.

Food, cooking & feeding others had always been important to me, and it was one of the reasons I chose psychology in school, so it…

…seemed like a natural choice to start writing about what I loved and was passionate about.

Q – #4    What is the name of your blog, and what kind of cooking do you blog about?

A: My blog is and I blog about what we eat as a family, menu plans, involving your family in cooking…

right now I’m doing a series on picky eaters: looking at different reasons for, different types, appropriate responses

Q – #5    What has been the response to your blog and how frequently do you generally make a posting?

A: I post 3x a week on my own blog. I write FT, tho, so you can find me writing several other places throughout the week

Q – #6    Lets get to @FoodforMyFamily’s FAVORITES: Restaurant, store, winter activity, comfort food and recent book.

A: Favorite MN restaurants right now: @CTKitchentable and @128cafe (of course, for being such gracious hosts) & my own dining room.

favorite winter activity: watching winter melt away into spring… We snowboard and cross-country ski, too.

Favorite comfort food: anything my grandma made for me as a child, which was mostly from her Eastern European roots.

I am currently reading @unmarketing’s book. #unbook

Q – #7    To close, you have 2 other hobbies, photography & the violin. With a family of 4, how do you make time for them?

A: unfortunately, they often get pushed aside, but because the photography is part of the job, it’s easier to justify.

& I do both in other areas: I teach violin lessons, and I also do photography for weddings, portraits, etc.

@JoelECarlson – You have a very diverse life. How fun! Thank you so much @FoodforMyFamily for your time and comments today. Have a great weekend!

@FoodforMyFamily – Thanks for having me, @JoelECarlson! Have a fantastic weekend.

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