Twitterview with Kara McGuire

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and welcome to the Twitterview of @Kablog (Kara McGuire). She tries to make sense of dollars and cents. :)

@Kablog – Hey Joel! Happy to be here.

Q – #1    First off, where are you from and what brought you to the Twin Cities?

A: I’m from Plymouth, MI, a suburb of Detroit. Went to college at Macalester and next thing you know I’m a Minnesotan.

Q – #2    What did you major in at Macalester, and how did you get from there to the @StarTribune? What were your “steps”?

A: I was a history major @Macalester . Hired as intern @MPRnews, which turned into a producing gigs on Morning Ed & Midday

Worked on Marketplace Money w/@kairyssdal. Realized loved personal finance & started column for @Startribune @StribBiz

Q – #3    I see. So what are some of the “hot topics” that you cover in personal finance at the @StarTribune?

A: All over the map. Credit cards. Foreclosures. Retirement. Saving for college. Coupons. The dreaded “B” word (budget)

Q – #4    Regarding coupons, what’s your take on the Groupon/LivingSocial explosion that has been going on? Longevity?

A: There are so many of these deal-a-day sites now that it’s hard to keep up! They annoy me, but I keep finding deals.

I’ve learned to be v. careful about which deals I buy, ones close to home, businesses I already use & v. special treats.

Despite frugal fatigue, I think deal-a-day sites will survive if businesses keep signing up & offer decent deals

Q – #5    Good idea! Lets now go more into your role with the @StarTribune. What do your responsibilities cover?

A: I write a Sunday personal finance column, blog and Tweet about money matters. And write stories about money topics.

I’ve recently started as half-time digital producer for @StribBiz, helping reporters w/online & social media efforts.

Q – #6    Congrats! In addition to all of that, you are also a Full-Time mom. How do you manage all of that?

A: Time is like money. You have to budget it, set your priorities, and accept that you can’t do it all.

Q – #7    True! Now for your FAVORITES: restaurant, store, winter activity, comfort food and place for kids.

A: Tough questions! The Strip Club Restaurant in St. Paul. Does traveling to warmer climate count as a “winter activity?

Comfort food? OK I admit that it is a McDonald’s McDouble, no onions (it’s on $1 menu).

Love @MNChildMuseum on Fri or Sat. PM. @Salutgrand for fancy dinner w/kids. Como park. Anywhere our bikes will take us

Q – #8    Good choices! To close, what is 1 piece of advice you would like to share with people regarding personal finances?

A: Live withing your means. Period. Figure out what matters most to you and try to align those values with your finances.

Pick up that Sun. business section to read my @StarTribune column. And read my blog:

@JoelECarlson – Good advice! Thank you for your time and thoughts today @Kablog (Kara). Enjoy your afternoon and stay warm!

@kablog – Thanks Joel. Fun being on the other side of the interview for a change.

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