@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone and welcome to the 1st Twitterview of the new school year. Today’s guest starts with the letter “B” – @bobstanke
@bobstanke – Hi Joel!
Q – #1 So @BobStanke – where did you grow up, and what HS did you attend in honor of the 1st day of school today for many?
A: I was born in WI, but moved to St. Paul when I was 1yr old. Went to St. Bernard’s HS in STP (class of ’97).
Q – #2 I see. So after HS, what kind of schooling/training did you get, and what led you to your current job?
A: I went to @UWEauClaire and majored in Management Info Systems (MIS)
Q – #3 @bobstanke – What got you from @UWEauClaire to your current job today?
A: With that degree I went on to work for a mktg company as an Oracle DBA. Progressed to IT Project Mgr, and now to social media.
Been in social since in 2007, now current title is “Social Media Manager & Community Catalyst” for @lifetimefitness
At @lifetimefitness I’m responsible for social content, brand management, and a few special CEO-projects along the way.
Q – #4 Great! How is it in using social media to promote fitness and exercise? Any challenges at the beginning?
A: Well, fitness and health are passions for many people, so the audience is already there, making it a little bit easier.
Challenges have been and always will be content generation. This culture was not use to that, so had to introduce it.
We are in such a content-rich business, but just did not have the platforms to show it, social provides that now.
Twitter: @lifetimefitness Facebook: http://facebook.com/lifetimefitness YouTube: http://youtube.com/myLifeTimeFitness
And the newest addition to that, our official company blog: http://blog.lifetimefitness.com
Q – #5 Interesting. So who are some people/businesses that you have benefited from following on Twitter for you job?
A: @sarahkayhoffman because of her passion for health/fitness. @experiencelife -also very good for providing solid content
There are TONS of unbelievable resources/publications out there, but we have the world’s best right here in-house.
Q – #6 Let now shift to you. What are your FAVS: Favorite – restaurant, store, sport and tech gadget.
A: I like to eat at Zahtar. Store: Best Buy/Dick’s Sporting Goods, Sport: BASKETBALL! Gadget: My EVO 4G running Android
On the gadget front: I am a gadget freak! Ever checked out @gdgt? http://user.gdgt.com/robertstanke/
Q – #7 With all of the recent changes, (i.e picks,trades,FA’s) what are your expectations for the @MNTimberwolves this year?
A: I think we will do better than last year by about 10 games, but we are 2-3 yrs from playoff material.
I truly think the @MNTimberwolves win is off the court this year. Their interactive team is killing it in social media.
I only have 2 dream jobs: 1. I am currently working there. 2. To work for the @MNTimberwolves. One day, own the team!
Q – #8 They do have good SM folks. So what’s a goal you have (per/biz) for yourself for the next year or so?
A: Keep moving up the ranks here @lifetimefitness and continue to build my blog, focusing on personal dev/productivity.
I am also signed up to run in a bunch of athletic events over the next 12 months, so a lot of training as well.
Got some things cooking from a biz standpoint with @RachelRyanPR as well, so seeing where that goes.
Also, I am doing a series of webinars/seminars this year to give back to the community. http://bit.ly/SocialSafety
Q – #9 Good for you! :) So to end today, what thought or mantra would you like to share with everyone?
A: #1: Be true to yourself. #2: Don’t forget the people who helped you get where you are today.
Oops. I gave the wrong URL for my webinar/seminar series. It is: http://bit.ly/dnHMY5
@JoelECarlson – Good points. Thank you for your time and comments today @bobstanke. Have a good short week and keep Tweet’n!
@bobstanke – Thanks, and the same back to you. #jectv http://bobstanke.com